Online Divorce in Tolland County, Connecticut
Use to prepare for the procedure without undue cost and effort.
Filing for Divorce in Tolland County, Connecticut (CT)
There are various methods available to arrange a divorce:
• Divorce with a lawyer
Full-service legal representation means that a lawyer assists a client every step of the way during the divorce process. Thus, an attorney can prepare all of the required legal papers, negotiate with the other spouse's attorney, or appear in a courthouse on the client's behalf, when appropriate.
• Divorce mediation
Mediation is a type of alternative dispute resolution where the spouses negotiate the terms of their divorce, such as child custody arrangement, property division, etc., supported by a qualified mediator. A mediator is an impartial third party, helping the couple achieve mutually beneficial outcomes.
• Collaborative divorce
Both spouses have their own trained collaborative practice lawyers in a collaborative divorce, but they also try to avoid taking a divorce to court. All four focus on their essential mutual goals and work through the issues of the marriage dissolution case together, using non-adversarial techniques.
• Unbundled legal services
Unbundled legal services are a way to take legal advice and guidance without being represented by an attorney. A person can hire an unbundled attorney to deal with one or several specific aspects of their divorce case.
• Do-it-Yourself divorce
A do-it-yourself divorce, also called Pro Se divorce, means representing yourself in a dissolution case without a lawyer's aid.
Connecticut Family Law allows couples to file and complete the divorce process independently,
but this approach is most likely to have a positive outcome in a simplified, uncontested divorce case.
When attempting a DIY divorce in Tolland County, the spouses should be aware of state and local
laws and court filing requirements to fill out the legal forms correctly.
At this stage of the process, offers its service. This service enables you to get all the required divorce forms completed online quickly and effortlessly.
- All Required Connecticut State Forms.
- Connecticut-Specific Court Filing Instructions.
- Unlimited Revisions for as long as your account is active.
Online Divorce in Tolland County, Connecticut (CT) is an affordable and convenient divorce
option that perfectly suits uncontested cases. The service is prevalent among couples attempting a DIY divorce.
This website allows you to prepare and fill out all the necessary divorce papers online within two business
days without going to a courthouse or worrying if the judge will approve them.
To use an online platform to create the legal paperwork, you just need to complete our online interview
at your convenience and then file for divorce using the completed divorce forms.
You can be sure you will receive ready-to-file, printable forms completed according to Connecticut
laws and your specific circumstances, as well as comprehensive filing instructions.
- Answer a couple of questions on the homepage and check to see if your case is qualified to be processed online.
- Provide your case details. Connecticut Online Divorce needs this data to prepare divorce papers following the specific circumstances of your case.
- Your forms will be ready in two business days, and you will receive an email notification. Log in to your account to download the documents.
- Contact your local courthouse, and file for divorce using our step-by-step guide.
Get your hassle-free divorce